Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Nine Things You Should Remember Before Starting A Souls Game

Dark Souls 3 has finally been announced and with its early 2016 release date already established, we have less than a year to prepare for the inevitable onslaught of rage quits, smashed controllers and shattered relationships that will accompany it.  Having beaten the first three Souls games by this point (I’ll be getting to Bloodborne soon enough), I know these acrimonious sensations all too well, having spent 90 hours alone on Dark Souls, several of which attributed to three back-to-back, rather unwarranted shouting matches with my mom over the course of three days (Thanks a whole fucking lot, Ornstein and Smough!).  None the less, many of us will doubtlessly attempt to brave Atlus’ daunting challenges one more, willing to put our collective sanities on the line for whatever may compel us to play these games.  

And those of you who have never touched this series before and do not fully understand why these games have infuriated so many must understand one thing: it is not just the brutality of these games that has enshrined them in infamy; it is the psychological impact that can leave its toll in ways you may not even be able to comprehend.  The Souls series is not your average beat-em-up.  You can’t simply find the biggest weapon you can get your hands on and start wailing on everything.  You have to think before you act, or else your oversights and bravado will be your downfall, with even the weakest of enemies standing a chance at sending you back to a bonfire if you get too confident. 

Because of this, I have found that no amount of strategy guides and wikis will save your ass if you don’t have the appropriate mindset.  Mind you that this isn’t a beginner’s tutorial and I won’t be going over the basics of the games.  Rather, I’m presuming that you have at least a rudimentary understanding of the control scheme and rules of them and will be focusing more on general strategies than specific technical details, as anything I have to say will be meaningless without you knowing how the simpler mechanics work.  That being said, here are nine of the most important things that I find you need to keep in the back of your head as you venture forth on your respective playthrough.

1. Look Ahead

First and foremost, you need to first analyze the threats ahead of you before tackling them.  Don’t simply think you’ll know what to expect from a group, even if you’re familiar with these types of foes.  Focus on what they’re capable of by themselves and together and how you can counter these attack patterns.  If you’re encountering a new enemy, don’t attack immediately.  Either stay on your toes or keep your shield up and test the waters.  Let them strike first and gain a sense for their move set, then strike once you’re comfortable with fighting them. 

Don’t forget about your surroundings either.  Whether you’re in a tight corridor or on a narrow cliffside, remember to alter your strategy in a fashion that allows you to compensate for the new terrain.  Try to use thrusting weapons or magic in tight corridors and taking a slow, methodical pace on cliffs by striking once and backing up, lest you get caught in the heat of the moment and try to side roll.  Also, keep any pitfalls you see in mind at all times, whether during battle or when you’re simply scouting out the area for treasures.  This may seem like a given, but sometimes the simplest of dangers can undo your progress if you neglect them.  Never lose sight of how much room you have to work with, or you’ll find that the terrain can be just as treacherous as the enemies.

Finally, you’re going to find that many areas are either packed with traps or are as dark as a conservative talk radio host’s heart.  Just like with combat, don’t jump into things.  Take your time when entering any new area and survey every crevice and tile.  Many of the traps tend to stand out if you don’t dash through areas, but will punish the impatient.  Just remember that time is on your side; learn every detail and almost nothing will take you by surprise.  As for dark areas, try to keep various landmarks in mind as you continue to explore so that you associate them with new sections that you encounter.  If you come across enemies in an area that is particularly dark, simply lure them back into an earlier room that you’re more familiar with and deal with them, then return and analyze it, just in case you return there in the future.

Just respect your environment and it will return the favor.

2. Understand Your Limitations

I cannot stress this enough: this is not your traditional beat-em-up.  On top of utilizing an RPG stats system, these games are also based in an open-ended world where many dungeons are available to the player from the get-go, provided that you can reach them in the first place.  That being said, your best bet is to follow a walkthrough that will give you a sense of where to go.  As tempting as it may be to go out and explore, many of these areas are scaled in a linear sense for the player to follow in a mostly specific pattern and will be too difficult to handle at first.  Like any RPG, simply stick to the weaker enemies at first, build up your stats and work your way towards the tougher enemies down the road.

Furthermore, you should also pay close attention to your characters movement patterns.  In games like these, it’s not enough to roll aimlessly out of the way or throwing your shield up at any given moment.  Timing is everything and, whether you’re going toe-to-toe with a boss twenty times your size or a horde of undead, one misstep can cost you dearly.  Focus on how long it takes to take a sip of your Estus Flask, how long it will take an enemy to connect with a strike and so on.  If you can grasp the intricacies of both your character’s motions and the enemies, it’s going to make your experience far easier.

3. Stick With What You’re Comfortable With

Throughout these games, as in any adventure title, you’re bound to find a plethora of equipment that can make your journey more manageable.  You’ll see charms and rings to boost your magical powers, armor and shields that seem sturdy enough to withstand the wrath of even the largest beasts and weapons that appear to be capable of clearing a room full of foes in mere seconds.  While all of these may seem tantalizing, appearance and even higher base stats are not everything.

What you’ll really want to focus on initially is how the weapon handles and whether or not it compliments your play-style.  Are you more inclined to get in quick swipes and back away?  Try daggers or rapiers.  Are you willing to play it risky and get more bang for your buck?  Give axes and broadswords a try.  Do you prefer to keep your distance and pick away at enemies from afar?  Stick to magic or bows and arrows.

On top of this, the name of the game is not about just finding the best weapon, but also upgrading them to achieve the maximum damage output.  Initially, it would make sense to get better equipment, since you typically start with a rather dismal repertoire that won’t get you very far past the first few dungeons.  However, as time goes on and you put together an arsenal that you feel comfortable with, make sure to think long and hard about any potential changes to it.  Upgrading is not only essential, but also very time-consuming, as smithing materials can be very hard to come by down the road.  If you truly feel like this new weapon is superior to your current tool and you’re up to the task of perfecting it, give it a try.  Otherwise, one would be wise to stick with what has gotten them this far.  No point in fixing what isn’t broken.

4. Divide and Conquer

If the speed and strength of your foes doesn’t become an issue, their numbers certainly will.  You’re going to come across many instances where two or more enemies will be grouped closely together and, as I’ve mentioned before, the last thing you want to do is bum rush them.  Since many enemies are attracted to the player based on your proximity to them, the best thing to do is inch forward until only one starts to make its way over.  Then simply back up a decent amount, eliminate them as you see fit and repeat this until only one remains.  However, if attracting two or more of them is inevitable, all you can do is keep your guard up and closely watch their attack patterns until one leaves himself open.  You can also try various poison or fire bombs if you have them at your disposal, but patience will always be your strongest asset in these situations.

5. Bait Them into Attacking

If ever there was an optimal time to strike an enemy, it would be at the end of an attack animation.  Upon performing one of these animations, most enemies typically require a second or more to revert back to their walking animation, leaving them open to attack.  In other words, master those dodging skills.  Study the attack patterns and as soon as you appear to be out of harm’s way, bash their heads in.  However, this also brings us to point #6…

6. Don’t Get Greedy

Too often do the deaths of players spawn from our innate desire to finish the fight as quickly as we can, particularly during boss battles, since that alleviates ones paranoia surrounding the risk of death, losing their souls and having to restart the level.  Trust me when I say that this urge is completely natural and understandable, as I have succumbed to it multiple times in the past, but will leave you absolutely hating yourself when it inevitably gets you killed. After a certain period, enemies simply won’t be stunned by attacks and will commence their attack animation regardless of how hard you hit them.  As always, patience is your ally.  There’s no time limit on any of these levels, so simply take it nice and slow and strike when you can, not when you want to.

This rule also extends to soul collection.  We all love the satisfying feeling of seeing our soul counter get higher and higher as we fantasize about all the items and levels that we can purchase with them.  That’s a given.  But as that counter slowly begins to fill, think to yourself: how much do I really need?  If you’re in a new area with enemies and terrain that you’re unfamiliar with, is it really worth the risk to see whether or not you can reach six figures?  Even if you find yourself halfway through this new level, think about what those souls could purchase.  If it isn’t an amount to write home about, moving on should most likely be your first choice.  However, if you have enough to level up five times and buy a brand new set of armor, it might be time to swallow your pride and head back.

7. NEVER Get Cocky

Believe it or not, there will be portions of these games that you’ll find yourself breezing through, whether it be because the enemies follow a rather predictable pattern, you’ve been doing a fair amount of grinding or you’re simply on a bit of a lucky streak.  Considering how much hell the Souls series has been known to give players, it is VERY easy to get overconfident from that point onward.  Hell, if you can handle what one of the most notoriously difficult game series’ in history can throw your way, you must be unstoppable.  Nothing can stand in your way!  May the Lord help any black phantoms that cross your path!  YOU ARE A GOD AMONGST MEN!

Yeah…cut that shit out.  Now.

The very last thing you want to do in these games is get cocky.  It may seem inevitable, even natural, to feel like you’re untouchable when you do exceptionally in games like these, but remember: cockiness leads to carelessness; carelessness leads to mistakes; mistakes lead to death.  Enemies and the environment can and will punish even the minutest mistake by, at least, taking a nice fat chunk out of your health bar if you’re lucky.  If you don’t stay on your toes, you’re gonna get sloppy and you’re gonna be kicking yourself for it when it costs you souls.

Simply put, you’re not invincible.  Get your head out of the clouds and focus.

8. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help

This one can be attributed to pride more than anything else.  The Souls series has always been heralded as a set of finely crafted games for a number of reasons, but that’s not the only reason that people play them.  Considering its reputation, many play these games as a rite of passage within the gaming community.  To say that you completed one of them is a badge of honor that any gamer would wear with pride.  So, if you’re going to be one of those people, the last thing you’re gonna do is use a walkthrough, right?  Who cares if it’s mind-bendingly difficult?  You’ve been playing video games for your whole life and dammit, you’re gonna press on!

Now, while this mentality is very common (God only knows I’ve been there before), the Souls series simply isn’t designed to be beaten by oneself.  Many things are not exactly made obvious to newcomers, such as how to produce better weapons and armor, and even directions may elude them from time to time.  This is because the games were intended to be community based; to have the community work together, collect data and share tips with one another in order to overcome the challenges (which also explains the in-game messages and blood stains).  Whether you believe this to be a flaw in the games or not is none of my business.  The point is that this is how the games are designed and if you want to spend less time gritting your teeth in frustration and more time actually progressing, you’d be smart to bookmark a few walkthroughs and wikis for reference.

Believe me; the rest of the game will pose more than enough of a challenge for you.

9. Understand That Death WILL Happen

This one may come off as very difficult to accept, but just hear me out.  No matter how much you practice, how much you grind, how careful you are and how much caffeine is running through your body, that dreaded “YOU DIED” screen will inevitably appear now and then.  You may not want to hear this, but you’re going to make mistakes. You’re going to panic occasionally during your first outing in a new level.  You’re going to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of enemies in these new areas.  You’re going to misstep sometimes and fall to your death.  You’re going to forget to ration out your healing items and run out at particularly inopportune times.

You’re going to die.  A lot.

But you’d be surprised what accepting this fact can do for your attitude.  If you greet death with rage and frustration, that anger will linger throughout your play session.  You’ll want to blame the game.  You’ll begin to lash out at those around you.  You’ll start smashing controllers and screaming at the top of your lungs.  And your concentration will suffer as a result.

Instead, when it happens, think to yourself: “Why did I just die?”  Go back to the moment of your death and examine the scenario you were faced with.  Perhaps you got too greedy with your attacks and got crushed by the boss?  Maybe you didn’t take a dark area slowly enough and fell into a pit?  Or could you have simply not put enough distance between yourself and the enemies when you tried to take a sip of your Estus Flask? 

Whatever the reason, it is better to focus your anger towards something productive than mindlessly flying off the handle.  Hold yourself accountable for your mistakes, figure out how to avoid them and try harder next time.  And, most importantly, understand that you will die here and there.  It happens to the best of us, but it does not mean that the game is over.  If you hunker down and keep looking forward, you can and will succeed.  Just remember:

“…people die.  But death is not defeat.” – Hal “Otacon” Emmerich

And that’s about all I can give you.  Keep in mind that by no means am I any sort of “Souls expert”.  I haven’t dedicated my life to surveying every element, weapon, enemy and character build under the sun.  Nor do I imagine will this guide be the end-all, ultimate reference guide for Souls players.  I’m simply another gamer who has experienced firsthand the merciless power of these games and felt like it was my duty to help others grasp the challenges before them.  No amount of my experience will be a good enough substitute for your own personal experience, so I can only hope that this guide will make your time somewhat easier.

Best of luck.